UAP Exposure Bill of Rights

Providing the foundation for respectful and supportive treatment of individuals exposed to UAP, guiding their safeguard their health, well-being, and dignity.

The UAP Exposure Bill of Rights aims to assist healthcare professionals and first responders when working with individuals exposed to UAP, and address stigmas that may undermine safety, care, and successful outcomes.

UAPMed believes every individual exposed to UAP has a right to:


Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to information, support resources, and educational materials on the physiological, psychological, and social impact from UAP exposures.


Individuals exposed to UAP have a right for their exposure to be  addressed by first responders, and to request an inquiry conducted by law enforcement.


Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to seek services from a medical professional without stigma, ridicule, or dismissal, and to have their reported incident treated as a legitimate event.

Safety and Security

Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to physical and emotional safety and security in a healthcare environment.


Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to anonymity, digital profile privacy, and conduct, in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), as amended.

Physical Care

Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to seek a physiological evaluation and to receive treatment for any acute or chronic health-related adverse effects of their UAP exposure.

Mental Health Care

Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to seek a mental health evaluation and to receive treatment for any acute or chronic health-related adverse effects of their UAP exposure.

Professional Guidance

Experiencers have a right to seek professional counseling services and support networks that can help them navigate their personal path forward in a respectful and ethical environment.

Healing and Recovery

Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to seek professional counseling services and support networks to help them navigate a path forward in a respectful, ethical environment.

Informed Consent

Individuals exposed to UAP have a right to make autonomous, informed decisions about participation in research, treatments, public discourse, or publication of personal information.