Frequently Asked Questions

  • UAPMed is a registered non-profit that supports healthcare, emergency, and policy professionals to address the physiological and psycho-social effects of UAP and NHI on the U.S civilian population. UAPMed is composed of a dedicated and novel team of healthcare and mental health practitioners, academic researchers, law enforcement, and emergency service professionals.

    Read our Founder’s Statement to learn more.

  • UAPMed was established in 2022 in response to the ODNI acknowledgment of the reality of UAP and urgent need for parallel action in the U.S civilian population.

    Read our Founder’s Statement to learn more.

  • UAPMed aims to bridge the gap between current science and UAP for professionals in the fields of healthcare, emergency services, and policy.

    Read our Founder’s Statement to learn more.

  • UAP stands for unidentified anomalous phenomena, which encompass various encounters reported by individuals across the globe of physical, technological objects (“craft”) of unknown, non-human origin. NHI stands for non-human intelligence, and refers to the unknown, non-human origin behind UAP technology.

  • No, UAPMed does not hold a position on the origin and nature of NHI. We exist as an objective resource for professionals who serve the public in the areas of health, safety, and policy.

  • UAPMed recognizes UAP exposure as individuals who fit into one more more of the following categories:

    1. exposed from a distance (aerial sightings from the ground, water, or in flight);

    2. exposed with incident (close-proximity sightings and engagement with UAP);

    3. exposed through media (USG reports, news outlets, social media, podcasts); or

    4. using UAP ideation to mask unrelated pathologies not due to a UAP event

    Read our Founder’s Statement to learn more.

  • UAP exposure may result in health-related effects such as physical manifestations (burns, eye irritations, neuromuscular and cognitive impairment) and mental health trauma (anxiety, depression, adjustment and post-traumatic stress disorder).

    Read our UAP Health Effects Check List to learn more.

  • At this time, UAPMed does not offer or coordinate access to medical, mental health, or legal services. If you are in need of emergency assistance, please call 911. For immediate mental health care, please call 988.

  • Yes -between 2021 and 2023, the US government confirmed a ~30% increase in UAP reports after recognition of the stigma placed on service people who report their exposure. Civilians who report UAP exposure often face social and professional stigma (such as ridicule, hostility, and alienation), which may lead to feelings of powerlessness and depression.

    Read our Founder’s Statement to learn more.

  • Most individuals never report their UAP exposure, and those who do wait an average 3 months after it occurs. Social stigma causes many to fear being labeled as mentally unstable or irrational by their family, friends, and peers. When psychological or medical care is sought, the current lack of evidence-based content and infrastructure to support healthcare providers prevents a diagnostic course of action.

    Read our Founder’s Statement , Experiencers Bill of Rights, and UAP Health Effects Check List to learn more.

  • UAPMed does not include media of UAP or NHI out of respect to those who have experienced/are experiencing trauma from their encounter.

    Read our Experiencers Bill of Rights and UAP Health Effects Check List to learn more.

  • Initiatives include creating educational resources for healthcare professionals, developing clinical guidelines for assessment and treatment, and advocating for policy changes to improve healthcare responses to UAP cases.

    Read our First Responder Recommendations and Experiencers Bill of Rights to learn more.

  • First responders (such as EMS and law enforcement) are crucial in UAP encounters, from triage to investigation, including impact on the larger community.

    Read our First Responder Recommendations to learn more.

  • Local and state governments can provide resources, support public education campaigns, and facilitate reporting mechanisms for UAP encounters.

    Read our First Responders Recommendations and Experiencers Bill of Rights to learn more.

  • Please reach out to UAPMed directly at

  • To volunteer at UAPMed, please contact us at