UAPMed Releases UAP Exposure Bill of Rights
The recognition of health-related effects from unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) requires urgent adaptation across the healthcare and emergency services landscape.
The UAPMed Exposure Bill of Rights aims to assist healthcare professionals and first responders when working with individuals exposed to UAP, and address the stigmas that may undermine diagnoses, treatments, and successful health outcomes.
UAPMed believes every individual exposed to UAP has a
1. Right to Information
2. Right to Recognition
3. Right to Investigation
4. Right to Safety and Security
5. Right to Privacy
6. Right to Physical Care
7. Right to Mental Health Care
8. Right to Professional Guidance
9. Right to Healing and Recovery
10. Right to Informed Consent
Taking UAP Epxosure and Stigma Awareness Head On
Stigma continues to be a roadblock for experiencers seeking treatment and care, which often starts from within the individual. This self-imposed stigma can manifest as self-doubt, questioning one’s mental health, and/or inability to acknowledge the UAP exposure.
UAPMed looks to help individuals exposed to UAP overcome this initial stigma by requiring that, as patients, they are guaranteed: autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent. These assurances may prove essential for gaining fuller insight on the greater public health impact from UAP exposure and how to prepare for future incidents.
If and when an individuals reports a UAP exposure, emergency services may find themselves as the first point of contact, fulfilling the primary position of addressing the exposure as a legitimate event while mitigating any potential health risks. Therefore, UAPMed asserts that individuals exposed to UAP should have a right to have their encounter assessed, documented, and investigated, as reflected through dedicated training procedures and protocols.
For healthcare providers, this document serves as guide to providing compassionate and effective treatment for this marginalized and largely untreated population. It underscores the need for an open-minded approach, free from stigma, an essential for building trust. By validating their UAP exposure, healthcare providers can foster an environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing their incident and receive the appropriate acute and long-term medical care.
Mental health practitioners are integral in the health and well-being after a UAP exposure, as resulting trauma can be both complex and life-long. To help guide current and future individuals towards emotional recovery, this document illustrates the need for every individuals exposed to UAP to be: offered mental health evaluations and treatments, access to professional guidance, and connection to support networks.
About UAPMed
UAPMed is an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, first responders, and academics focused on UAP health-related effects. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between science, public understanding, and healthcare professional competencies through educational materials, clinical protocols, and policy recommendations.