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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is UAPMed?

    UAPMed is a non-profit organization which provides resources and guidance for healthcare professionals to address the variety of health effects associated with UAP exposures, and advocates for a reduction in stigma and removal of barriers to patient care and support. UAPMed does not provide individual medical treatment or care.

  • What does UAP mean?

    This term for these objects has changed numerous times over the years (based on country, organizations, and more). This term formally meant UFO. It now means Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon. The AIAA UAP branch has defined UAP as “ sources of anomalous spaceborne, airborne, seaborne, or transmedium observations that are not yet attributable to known actors or causes."

  • What is “stigma”?

    The UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) stigma refers to the negative perception or attitude towards the topic of UFOs and the people who believe in their existence. This can include ridicule, skepticism, and mistrust of those who claim to have seen or experienced UFOs. The term "stigma" is often used to describe the social and cultural attitudes surrounding UFOs, as well as the marginalization of those who report sightings or encounters.

  • How are experiencer rights protected?

    Experiencers participate voluntarily. We endeavor to follow HIPAA and encourage caution when experiencers share their information with other members. Standard cautions have been followed during interactions within the forum. Personal mental health and medical conversations are encouraged to remain private. Experiencers who need help are encouraged to contact long-standing support organizations or professional providers for treatment.

  • Is it aliens?

    The occupants of UAPs may or may not be “aliens.” There is a considerable amount of debate regarding the terminology used and some prefer “others,” “Non-Human Intelligence,” or “visitors.” UAPs are not officially recognized as being “extraterrestrial.”

  • What does it mean to be an “experiencer?

    An experiencer is an individual who has encountered a UAP and/or NHI. For more information, please take a look at our Experiencer Assistance List of Indicators.


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